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Birthday Congratulations

Birthday Congratulations


Dear Abdurafik Abduvalievich!


On this important, solemn day, I congratulate you on the 70-year anniversary of the University of world economy and diplomacy, Diplomatic Academy teams and personally on my behalf.

Such a date is an important stage in a person's life, in which new perspective goals are determined on the basis of rich life experience.

Over the years, you have worked in various organizations, in the diplomatic sphere and in responsible positions in the public administration system. As Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Kuwait, Qatar, the Kingdom of Bahrain, you have fulfilled a worthy representative duty, and now in the position of head of the Department of Special Sciences of the Diplomatic Academy at the University of world economy and diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you are sharing your rich experience with students, undergraduates.

I consider your important social activity, local diplomacy I would like to emphasize your sincere care to preserve and continue the rich traditions.

As a talented diplomat and mentor, you have taken a rich professional path, achieved important achievements in your important, noble and spiritual activities.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we wish you strong health above all, family happiness, every new day will give you new strength and energy for new victories and subsequent creative successes.

With sincere reverence,

Abdusamat Khaydarov

Tashkent сity, July 5, 2024