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Based on the relevant provision of the Decree “On the organization of the training of employees with a minimum of three years of work experience in the narrow specialties of the master's degree” provides for the organization of the following specialized areas of the master's degree:


  • "Diplomatic and Consular service"
  • "Economic Diplomacy"


It provides for a one-year form of study in the master's degree and the issuance of a certified diploma.


The following issues will be addressed on the topic "Implementation of joint educational programs” of postgraduate and post-graduate education with leading foreign educational institutions:


It is planned to address the following issues on the topic "Implementation of joint educational programs of master's and postgraduate education” with leading foreign educational institutions:



  • Negotiations with leading specialized educational institutions in foreign countries on the establishment of a joint Magistracy and the signing of relevant agreements.
  • A joint system of post-graduate education with leading specialized educational institutions in foreign countries, including the corresponding specialized Council for the protection of doctoral and dissertations (PhD, candidate of philosophical sciences and doctor of sciences) to develop negotiations for the establishment and to sign the relevant contracts.
  • Conduct organizational work on inviting leading foreign experts/specialists to conduct classes (lectures, trainings, seminars) in the magistracy.


Реализация совместных образовательных программ магистратуры и послевузовского образования
