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Announcement On the creation of a comprehensive dictionary

Announcement On the creation of a comprehensive dictionary


Based on a state grant the Diplomatic Academy at the UWED of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan has started creating an explanatory diplomatic dictionary that will cover topics like international relations, international economic relations and international law. Prominent scholars and specialists of the republic have been invited to take part in this endeavor. The project is being implemented on the initiative of the rector of the UWED S. Safoev.


The basis of the dictionary are such world-famous publications as: “The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy”, “The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Diplomacy”, “The New Diplomatic Dictionary”, as well as domestic publications such as “Diplomatik Terminlar Izohli Lug’ati” (Explanatory Dictionary of Diplomatic Terminology), “Siyosiy Terminlar Lug’ati” (Political Phrases Dictionary) and many other vocabularies and sources.


We think that the new dictionary will be a good source for specialists in this field, researchers and students.