In order to effectively organize management work in the system of the Ministry of Agriculture and strengthen integration with system organizations, on February 13 of this year, a training practical seminar was held on the topic “Qualitative preparation of statistical and analytical data and strengthening mutual integration”, headed by the Department of international cooperation and implementation of agricultural development strategy and introduction of innovations.
The seminar was attended by about 50 employees from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of investments, industry and trade, University of world economy and diplomacy, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Ministerial system organizations and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural departments of the regions.
At the seminar, discussions were held on economic diplomacy, the procedure for structuring agreements and memoranda with international organizations and agencies, the procedure for establishing measures to be carried out to attract foreign investment, the procedure for working with foreign missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the procedure for establishing measures to be carried out to attract foreign investment, the involvement of innovations in the agricultural system.
The Seminar attracted considerable interest within the participants, covering itself with a series of thematic lectures.
In particular, the Ministry of investments, industry and trade, the Ministry of foreign affairs, the Ministry of Economy and UWED expressed their suggestions and comments on the issues of diplomatic relations with investors, elimination of mistakes made in the process of establishing international documents, raising the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and expanding exports to strengthen international cooperation.