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International relations, investment and innovation

In order to effectively organize management work in the system of the Ministry of Agriculture and strengthen integration with system organizations, on February 13 of this year, a training practical seminar was held on the topic “Qualitative preparation of statistical and analytical data and strengthening mutual integration”, headed by the Department of international cooperation and implementation of agricultural development strategy and introduction of innovations.


The seminar was attended by about 50 employees from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of investments, industry and trade, University of world economy and diplomacy, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Ministerial system organizations and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural departments of the regions.


At the seminar, discussions were held on economic diplomacy, the procedure for structuring agreements and memoranda with international organizations and agencies, the procedure for establishing measures to be carried out to attract foreign investment, the procedure for working with foreign missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the procedure for establishing measures to be carried out to attract foreign investment, the involvement of innovations in the agricultural system.


The Seminar attracted considerable interest within the participants, covering itself with a series of thematic lectures.


In particular, the Ministry of investments, industry and trade, the Ministry of foreign affairs, the Ministry of Economy and UWED expressed their suggestions and comments on the issues of diplomatic relations with investors, elimination of mistakes made in the process of establishing international documents, raising the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and expanding exports to strengthen international cooperation.





A new era in the history of ancient civilisation

        On 26 January, India celebrates its major public holiday - Republic Day. It was on this day - 26 January 1950, less than three years after independence, that the Constitution came into force, proclaiming India a sovereign secular democratic republic. It embodies the unique spirit of pluralism and tolerance forged by India's long history and inherent in the multi-ethnic and multi-religious society of this wonderful country.


Indian civilisation is one of the oldest, home to brilliant philosophers and modern scientists who have made significant contributions to world scientific knowledge, including numerous ideas and methods that have served as a starting point and helped to create and strengthen the foundations of many areas of modern science and technology.


The contributions of ancient Indian mathematicians who created the concept of zero, number system and decimal notation, which are fundamental to modern mathematics, are invaluable.


          Indian scientists made an important contribution to astronomy by accurately predicting eclipses. They developed sophisticated theories that were later adopted by Greek and Arab astronomers.


Ayurveda, which originated in India, has had a huge influence on the development of modern medicine and is still successful and practised today.


The contribution of ancient Indian architects who created the beautiful Taj Mahal and Khajuraho temples is undeniable. Their methods of building large structures have influenced modern architecture.


Ancient Indian philosophy has had a profound influence on the development of modern thought, especially in the field of ethics, morality and spirituality, which formed the basis for the views of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest political and spiritual leaders of the 20th century and the founder of independent India.


Speaking about modern India, it should be noted that since independence, India has made tremendous strides in socio-economic and political development, becoming one of the most influential members of the world community. India's position and role in world politics and economy is due to a number of factors.


It is favourable demographic growth that has kept this country firmly at the top of the world in terms of population. The Indian economy is one of the largest in the world, ranking third in the world in terms of gross domestic product calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity. India's technological capabilities, especially its leadership in the field of computer technology, are undeniable.


The tangible advances in India's economic development over the past decade are attributed to the election of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister in 2014. He is pursuing a policy of economic modernisation aimed at improving the nation's well-being and prosperity. This policy has been informally termed as 'Modinomics' in some countries.  The efforts of the government of the republic are focused on further development of the country's economic potential with an emphasis on such areas as electronics, semiconductors, and green energy.


India's foreign policy activity has also increased significantly, as it continues to build up co-operation within the framework of the leading international formats - the G20, BRICS and SCO. India's markedly increased economic potential and its active involvement in the global economic and political world order have led to the formation of new strategic interests that include the Central Asian region.


The India-Central Asia dialogue aimed at expanding friendly and mutually beneficial relations between them in bilateral and multilateral formats is successfully developing.


Constructive nature is inherent in the current bilateral Uzbek-Indian relations. Their development is facilitated by the proximity of viewpoints or convergence of positions on the most important problems of international relations and regional security issues, in particular on combating international terrorism and countering illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, as well as the commitment of the States of the region to reducing and eliminating weapons of mass destruction.  The parties continue to focus on the difficult situation in Afghanistan, preventing the humanitarian crisis from worsening and promoting the peace process in the country. Uzbekistan views India as one of the leading partners in the region and the world.  


The summit meetings between President of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister of India N.Modi in September-October 2018 and January 2019 gave a powerful impetus to the development of bilateral relations. The Uzbek leader's participation in the first India-Central Asia summit in January 2022, where strategic priorities and concrete proposals to promote practical cooperation in this format were discussed, made a significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations.


To date, the two sides have made significant progress in trade and economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian co-operation. In recent years, trade turnover between Uzbekistan and India has doubled, and the number of joint ventures has increased to 400.  Agreements have been reached on the implementation of 50 investment projects worth about $3 billion. Together with Indian partners, work has been completed on the construction of a technopark of advanced information technologies in Tashkent. Branches of India's leading higher education institutions - Amiti University in Tashkent and Sharda University in Andijan - have been opened. Major investment projects are being implemented.


The lack of a direct land transport link between India and Central Asia remains a major constraint to the dynamic development of our economic relations. In this regard, the development of a new corridor through the Chabahar port may become a key link in the framework of the North-South international transport corridor project. The parties are interested in further development of long-term partnership relations, utilisation of untapped potential, expansion of cooperation in political, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian spheres.


 India's fruitful co-operation at the bilateral level and within international structures has been made possible by India's commitment to international peace and security, support for just and respectful relations between States and international law enshrined in the Constitution, which has successfully developed the largest democracy in the world, ensuring the preservation and continuity of the achievements of many generations of the Indian people. The adoption of the fundamental law of the country and the proclamation of the Republic of India on 26 January 1950 marked the beginning of a new era in the history of one of the world's earliest civilisations.



                                                                                     Director of the  Diplomatic Academy

                                                                          at the UWED, Ministry of Foreign


                                                              Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.






The representative of Uzbekistan was elected to the Advisory Board of the India-Central Asia Foundation

DELI, December 19th. / IA "Dunyo" /. Abdusamad Khaidarov, director of the Diplomatic Academy of at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, has been elected as a member of the Advisory Council of the India-Central Asia Foundation (ICAF), reports IA "Dunyo".


At the latest meeting of the foundation's governing body, Anumula Gitesh Sharma, a renowned diplomat and former ambassador of India to Uzbekistan, was also approved as the Vice President of ICAF.


Our country's embassy in Delhi maintains close cooperation with the India-Central Asia Foundation. In particular, in July of this year, a round table was organized in Delhi to discuss the results of the early presidential elections in Uzbekistan.


The event was attended by renowned experts and analysts, including representatives of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, Vivekenanda International Foundation, as well as diplomats who have led Indian missions in Uzbekistan and other countries in Central Asia, and media representatives.


In September, the International Center of India celebrated the 1050th anniversary of the great thinker and encyclopedist Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, highlighting that his research covered various areas and had a significant influence on the development of human scientific thought, and his invaluable work continues to be studied internationally.


Representatives of the foundation provided detailed information on the history and current state of relations between Uzbekistan and India at an international conference held at Kashmir University in November.


In 2024, the Embassy and the Foundation intend to jointly organize a series of events dedicated to the process of renewal in Uzbekistan, the current state and prospects of Uzbek-Indian relations, and other relevant topics, as well as publish various books and brochures.





A meeting with a member of the European Parliament was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Video from the visit of Ilhan Kyuchyuk, the Special Rapporteur of the European Parliament for Uzbekistan, to the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

On November 28 of this year, at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, a meeting was held with Member of the European Parliament, rapporteur on Uzbekistan Ilhan Kyuchyuk.

The event was also attended by First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Sodyq Safoev, Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan Charlotte Adrian, Managing Director of the European Neighborhood Council Samuel Doveri, as well as professors and students of the university.

Introducing the guests, Rector of UWED Sodyq Safoev emphasized that they are long-time friends of our country, making a great contribution to strengthening the multifaceted relations of Uzbekistan with the European Union.

“During their stay in Uzbekistan, the delegation led by Ilhan Kyuchyuk held many important meetings. Of course, this visit will serve to further expand relations between our country and the European Union, raising it to a new level,” said S. Safoev.

As part of the meeting, a solemn ceremony was held to confer upon Ilhan Kyuchyuk the title of Honorary Doctor of UWED.

“It is a great honor for me to meet with students and teachers, as well as to become an Honorary Doctor of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. I will continue to work to strengthen relations between Uzbekistan and the European Union,” said I. Kyuchyuk.

In his speech, the Member of the European Parliament focused on bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and the European Union, listing important steps to strengthen cooperation between the parties.

The students asked the guests many questions regarding EU integration, educational exchange programs, the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, as well as prospects for bilateral cooperation.